Opinion | It's the season of giving and the Mid-South didn't hold back | Richard Ransom

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — In tonight’s Ransom Note: Mid-Southerners come through again. 

Our “Give Blood, Share Joy” Blood Drive Campaign ended tonight, and we couldn’t be happier with how you responded. 

Tonight, I was at Overton Square with the Vitalant Donation bus and despite the rainy weather, a steady stream of volunteers showed up.

We had these blood drives all over the Mid-South so you could find one convenient for you. And you responded, knowing you were helping others. 

“There’s nothing to it. She just pricked me, and I actually do not like needles. It's mostly painless and it helps people. It's definitely for a greater good.” 

Your donation did double the good because every time someone donated a pint, ABC24 and our parent company TEGNA made a financial contribution to the National Foundation for Transplants. 

So tonight, I got to present that organization with a check for 12 thousand dollars that will go to help with expenses of transplant recipients and their families. 

Thanks to all of you who took part.

Read the full article at ABC 24 News